Supreme Wealth Alliance Review

Review on Supreme Wealth Alliance Online Opportunity


The second Supreme Wealth Alliance Payplan is just revealed. this payplan pays out 100% commissions based on the net proceeds the company receives from AlertPay. The company receives $25.43 from the $27 monthly subscriptions (minus AlertPay charges), and that is the same amount which will be paid out to member.

Every member who joins Supreme Wealth Alliance will first enter Pay Plan # 1 during their first month. Their second month recurring payment will then enter them into Pay Plan # 2, where referrer information is retained.

From $ 25.43 fee that Supreme Wealth Alliance get, $20 goes to the receiver of the 'pass ups' ($20 for each pass up), and the remaining $5.43 is placed into the '2-Up Qualifiers Pool' which will be accumulated and equally shared by all members who earned 2-Up commissions during a commission period.

After 6 months, a member must renew their position in this pay plan and gets to earn all over again from their downlines who renew. Positions and referrer information remain the same (inactive members are 'flushed' so the renewed structure is compressed).

To earn from Supreme Wealth Alliance payplan # 2, you need to have at least 3 direct referrals because your first 2 direct referrals will be passed up to your referrer. Beginning from your 3rd referral onwards, you will receive the following incentives...
  • You earn $20 from the 3rd and each succeeding direct referrals.
  • You receive the first 2 referrals of your 3rd direct referral and all succeeding direct referrals (as pass ups), and earn $20 from each of them.
  • You receive the first 2 referrals of every one who is passed up to you, and earn $20 from each of them.

With this payplan, massive numbers of people can be passed up to you and paying you $20. Just keep on getting and getting direct referrals into Supreme Wealth Alliance
and this pay plan will be truly lucrative for you.

The diagram below shows how Pay Plan # 2 works :